f8 remixed

F8 Remixed is a unique theme for WordPress that can transform your Web site or blog into a fully functioning photography or multimedia portfolio Web site. SEO optimized, iPhone compatible, 100% customizable options page, grid-based css, built-in Galleria support, built-in multimedia support, auto or manual thumbnail control, Gravatars, plus much, much more. All colors, fonts, front page categories, contact info, homepage main photo height and other options can be managed on the f8 theme options page. There is no need to edit theme code, unless you want to customize f8.

F8 Remixed is essentially F8, except that the slideshow has been replaced with a large photo and text overlay.

f8, which is a technical term referring the lens aperture setting on a camera, is theme long in the making. A little over five years ago, I began the arduous task of trying to find a way to present my photos to the world online. I primarily wanted two things: A portfolio section and a blog section built into one CMS. What I didn’t know at the time, is that it would take me five years to figure out. After researching literally hundreds of options including Flash powered portfolios (a big no-no in today’s mobile world), to countless bulky CMS’s that just didn’t cut it, I decided on using WordPress. It was well worth the wait.

27 responses to “f8 remixed”

  1. Zoe Zuniga Avatar

    These are exquisite themes. Thank you for the generous special. I am sure once I learn how to use them and my clients see these in use I will be upgrading to the pro license.

  2. associate Avatar

    keep it up, good stuff

  3. Apple iPhone 3G Avatar

    Can\’t find a new iPhone. We have them here.

  4. Algys Autos Avatar

    My wife does photography, will definitely pass this theme on to her….

  5. pinoy channel Avatar

    The link is broken -” Error establishing a database connection.” i like the looks. its clean and professional.

  6. Nick Garnett Avatar

    Interested in your templates for my new site but clicking to view anything give me a ‘can’t connect to the database’ message…

  7. Thad Avatar

    Yes, I accidentally deleted the database when cleaning out my Media Temple Server. Oops. It would be up shortly.

  8. Program Avatar

    Themes are very nice. Good Job.Thank you for sharing.

  9. m. Brady Clark Avatar

    am about to purchase the f8 remixed theme for my portfolio website. Is my mind playing tricks on me or was there initially a small thumbnails area to click on image which would then appear in main area? instead of the current 2 image slideshow? I really liked that because it showed everything at once but still gave the option for the viewer to choose. is there a way to still purchase that version?

  10. Bryan Avatar

    I think you should improve the input area of comment.
    I wish you can modify it into a better form.
    I gave you these two links for reference, they are genius and compact.


    I love your F8 theme, but I dont like the comment area, can you modify it and I pay you for this?

    Please let me know,

  11. Bryan Avatar

    Also, Can you make one F8 version that includes all the sub versions? F8 remix and lite.
    Please, tell me if you could do this, and charge me at a reasonable price, hopefully.

  12. niranthan Nagaratnam Avatar
    niranthan Nagaratnam

    very nice

  13. Pablo DiCiacco Avatar
    Pablo DiCiacco

    Mr. Allender,
    Is this theme tested on the latest (2.8) WordPress release?

  14. kubilay Avatar

    thanks a lot. Very nice theme

  15. Mike Avatar

    I downloaded this theme and when I tried to make it active, it says that the “template is missing”

    Any way to correct this?

    1. sheree Avatar

      me too… and now this error as well:

      Fatal error: Call to undefined function add_theme_support() in … wp-content/themes/modularity/includes/images.php on line 29

      1. sheree Avatar

        never mind! just needed to upgrade wordpress to 2.9.1

        1. Quincy Avatar

          I just have upgraded and it still doesn’t work…

        2. soon Avatar

          yes i found the same problem, template missing and cannot use the new theme!!

  16. JD Avatar

    I also tried to install this to no avail. It says “template is missing”. Seems the index.php is missing from the zip file?

    1. Bryan Scott Avatar

      Same problem – would love the fix.

      1. Mike Avatar

        Same problem! Template is MISSING!

        1. Thad Allender Avatar

          Please read the instructions file in the theme folder. This is a child theme for Modularity, so you need to have it installed, too. Please refer to our theme comparison page or our FAQ.

  17. Chris Avatar

    Hi Thad,

    The instructions in the theme folder give no helpful insight into the “Template is missing” error.

    Pulled from the file:

    1. Unzip the folder contained in the archive to your computer
    2. Upload the folder and its contents to the themes directory of your blog, located in “wp-content/themes” where WordPress is installed.
    3. Click on Appearance – Themes menu from the WP admin panel, then select the theme to activate.
    4. Click on View Site at the top of the page. Bam. Hot site!

    Modularity is installed. f8 uploaded. Broken Theme reported with missing template as the only descriptive comment. WP 2.9.2.

    Any help is appreciated; it’s a beautiful theme!

  18. Mike Avatar

    Hi Thad,

    I’m having the same problem as above. Everything is uploaded properly, and still the error. I also don’t see a provision in the instructions about the “Template is missing” error in either the f8 or modularity instructions as Chris stated.

    Also… on this page of your site: https://graphpaperpress.com/members/member.php in the left yellow column, it states that f8 does NOT require Modularity:

    “Prior to Modularity 2.0, some themes (F8, F8 Remixed, High Def) were created as non-child themes and didn’t require Modularity. We have made those versions available for free download, however, we currently don’t provide support for them.”

    If that’s not the case it might be good to take that off of that page, especially since it’s highlighted in yellow. Quite confusing and contradictory to other pages and what you’re saying in here.

    Thanks in advance for any help! As others have said, it’s a quite a beautiful theme!

    1. Kenneth Watt Avatar

      You’re required to pay for the Modularity theme in order for any others to work.


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