We’re completely honored to announce that Full Frame is now available on WordPress.com. Full Frame has quickly become one of our most popular themes to date and we’re excited to offer it up to the millions of users on WordPress.com. You can also download the self-hosted WordPress.org flavor of Full Frame right here at Graph Paper Press (more on the difference below).
Our good buddy and former co-worker Philip Author Moore blogged about Full Frame and another sweet theme called Ryu by the talented Takashi Irie.
WordPress.com vs. WordPress.org
While some of our themes are available on the WordPress.com platform, you cannot download themes from our site and add them to your WordPress.com site. Why? WordPress.com and the software you download from WordPress.org are two entirely different things (although they do share a vast number of similarities). You can’t install new themes or plugins on WordPress.com. For more info, please see this post or watch this video.
Download the WordPress.org flavor of Full Frame
Download the WordPress.com flavor of Full Frame
Photography Themes on WordPress.com
Full Frame is the second premium theme that we’ve released on WordPress.com. Gridspace, which was our first premium WordPress.com theme, quickly became a top 10 premium theme available on the platform (some of our free themes are also available there too). Each day, more and more photographers, designers and other visual creatives are discovering the power of the hosted flavor of WordPress and that makes us happy.
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