
WordPress Photo Gallery Theme, Modularity & Modslider Theme Updates

Next up: A minimalist photo gallery theme. This theme will cater specifically to photographers, illustrators and artists and will include two built-in lightboxes to pick from, HD video player, content slider, slideshow, minimalist navigation built atop the Modularity theme framework. Users will have the same variable homepage options as our current child themes for Modularity, plus the ability to over-ride the auto-generated thumbnails produced by WordPress. As always, you can also over-ride the default theme styling from the theme options page. Sounds good, eh?

This theme is going to rock the iPhone, too. It’s gonna be mobile-friendly so you can pitch editors, entice clients and promote your work while on the go.

Now we turn to you, the faithful WordPresser. What would you like to see in a photo gallery theme? Post your suggestions in the comments below.

For those interested, you can grab the latest Modularity theme framework and Modslider releases from the members-only area. These two updates squashed a couple IE bugs.

146 responses to “WordPress Photo Gallery Theme, Modularity & Modslider Theme Updates”

  1. Amy Wass Avatar

    An easy way to insert a logo into the header please. Other themes make it easy but I struggled a bit with the code for modularity. Thanks

    1. Thad Avatar

      Good suggestion. We are adding this to core Modularity.

      1. Sona Avatar

        Anyone figure this out? I can’t figure out how to put a logo in the Modularity header in place of the text. I’ve been able to do it with F8 etc and many other custom blogs…

    2. asd Avatar

      sdfsd fsdf sdf sdf

  2. Amy Wass Avatar

    An easy way to insert a logo into the header please. Other themes make it easy but I struggled a bit with the code for modularity. Thanks

    1. Thad Avatar

      Good suggestion. We are adding this to core Modularity.

      1. Sona Avatar

        Anyone figure this out? I can’t figure out how to put a logo in the Modularity header in place of the text. I’ve been able to do it with F8 etc and many other custom blogs…

    2. asd Avatar

      sdfsd fsdf sdf sdf

  3. Jeroen Avatar

    I would like it to be easy to adjust the max image size (auto resize preferred), and it has to be able to make several categories/selections of photo’s. For example: one for people, one for landscapes etc. Maybe even with customizable headers for each group of photo’s 🙂


    1. Thad Avatar

      Interesting suggestions. The max-width approach is already part of Modularity. Categorized photos and photo galleries is also part of Modularity. See this:


      and this:


      Customizable headers is probably best left out of core theme files. That said, you can easily make your own custom category headers by using a simple if else conditional argument on archive.php:

      <code>__abENT__lt;code__abENT__gt;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php if ( is_category(1) ) { ;?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;img src=__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php bloginfo(__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;template_directory__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;); ?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;images__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;category-1__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#46;jpg__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot; __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php } elseif ( is_category(2) ){ ;?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;img src=__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php bloginfo(__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;template_directory__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;); ?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;images__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;category-2__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#46;jpg__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot; __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php } else { ;?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php } elseif ( is_category(3) ){ ;?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;img src=__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php bloginfo(__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;template_directory__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;); ?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;images__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;category-3__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#46;jpg__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot; __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php } else { ;?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;img src=__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php bloginfo(__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;template_directory__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;apos;); ?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;images__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;category-default__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#46;jpg__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;quot; __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;#8260;__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;br  __abENT__#8260;__abENT__gt;
      __abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;lt;?php } ;?__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;abENT__abENT__#95;__abENT__#95;gt;__abENT__lt;__abENT__#8260;code__abENT__gt;</code>

      Name your images category-1.jpg, category-2.jpg, category-3.jpg, category-default.jpg, and upload them into your images directory in your theme folder.

      1. Eric Avatar

        When you say there should be images in the image folder named category-1.jpg, where do these images show up?

        1. Eric Avatar

          Also what is the default size of the thumbnails that are to be used with this code. Forgive me if this is common knowledge, but I new here.

  4. Jeroen Avatar

    I would like it to be easy to adjust the max image size (auto resize preferred), and it has to be able to make several categories/selections of photo’s. For example: one for people, one for landscapes etc. Maybe even with customizable headers for each group of photo’s 🙂


    1. Thad Avatar

      Interesting suggestions. The max-width approach is already part of Modularity. Categorized photos and photo galleries is also part of Modularity. See this:


      and this:


      Customizable headers is probably best left out of core theme files. That said, you can easily make your own custom category headers by using a simple if else conditional argument on archive.php:

      <?php if ( is_category(1) ) { ;?>
      <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/category-1.jpg" />
      <?php } elseif ( is_category(2) ){ ;?>
      <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/category-2.jpg" />
      <?php } else { ;?>
      <?php } elseif ( is_category(3) ){ ;?>
      <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/category-3.jpg" />
      <?php } else { ;?>
      <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/category-default.jpg" />
      <?php } ;?>

      Name your images category-1.jpg, category-2.jpg, category-3.jpg, category-default.jpg, and upload them into your images directory in your theme folder.

      1. Eric Avatar

        When you say there should be images in the image folder named category-1.jpg, where do these images show up?

        1. Eric Avatar

          Also what is the default size of the thumbnails that are to be used with this code. Forgive me if this is common knowledge, but I new here.

  5. paluxus Avatar

    The main need for a Photo Blog, is the easy setting up of Archive and category Thumbnail Galleries.

    Options for these need to be

    • the formatting of thumbnails: size (square or original proportions)

    It would indeed be great for easy customization of Category Page headers, or actually the option for specific Pages (not posts).

    What is your time-frame for releasing a Photo Gallery theme?


    1. Thad Avatar

      Early April is our target.

  6. paluxus Avatar

    The main need for a Photo Blog, is the easy setting up of Archive and category Thumbnail Galleries.

    Options for these need to be

    • the formatting of thumbnails: size (square or original proportions)

    It would indeed be great for easy customization of Category Page headers, or actually the option for specific Pages (not posts).

    What is your time-frame for releasing a Photo Gallery theme?


    1. Thad Avatar

      Early April is our target.

  7. Aali Avatar

    I would like to see a soft cross fade between slideshow images, as well as the Ken Burns effect (www.monoslideshow.com), if the slides can be synced to music too, it would be great.

    1. Thad Avatar

      You can do this without monoslideshow (Flash). You can use jquery javascript:


    2. James M Avatar

      Hey, that synching with the music. I want it. OMG, I got to be a member here, now.

  8. Aali Avatar

    I would like to see a soft cross fade between slideshow images, as well as the Ken Burns effect (www.monoslideshow.com), if the slides can be synced to music too, it would be great.

    1. Thad Avatar

      You can do this without monoslideshow (Flash). You can use jquery javascript:


    2. James M Avatar

      Hey, that synching with the music. I want it. OMG, I got to be a member here, now.

  9. Will Avatar

    Cleaner code & documentation, so that you can spend more time developing killer theme & less time replying (sometimes not) forum posts & us focusing more on making our site work, not struggling to make it work.

    Options to define image size, incl. main slideshow area, single post, thumbnail size, etc.

    EXIF data support, options to choose post type & gallery mode.

    Options to hide/show specific categories.

    Fast loading, XHTML standard codebase.

    1. Thad Avatar

      1. We are likely going to move all template files (now located in modularity/library/apps/ into the root of modularity to make it easier for new users to understand our framework/code/template files. That said, the template library is already highly organized as is the css, so much so, that is at times confuses new users.

      2. We are switching to the TimThumb approach for thumbnail generation.

      3. This is best left to this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/

      4. Use this approach: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_list_categories#Include_or_Exclude_Categories

      5. Done.

  10. Will Avatar

    Cleaner code & documentation, so that you can spend more time developing killer theme & less time replying (sometimes not) forum posts & us focusing more on making our site work, not struggling to make it work.

    Options to define image size, incl. main slideshow area, single post, thumbnail size, etc.

    EXIF data support, options to choose post type & gallery mode.

    Options to hide/show specific categories.

    Fast loading, XHTML standard codebase.

    1. Thad Avatar

      1. We are likely going to move all template files (now located in modularity/library/apps/ into the root of modularity to make it easier for new users to understand our framework/code/template files. That said, the template library is already highly organized as is the css, so much so, that is at times confuses new users.

      2. We are switching to the TimThumb approach for thumbnail generation.

      3. This is best left to this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/nextgen-gallery/

      4. Use this approach: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_list_categories#Include_or_Exclude_Categories

      5. Done.

  11. bp Avatar

    Make the gallery easy to share with other folks. We love the look of flickr and the sharing of facebook.

  12. bp Avatar

    Make the gallery easy to share with other folks. We love the look of flickr and the sharing of facebook.

  13. Morris Avatar

    Hi…I just downloaded Modularity Lite, the free theme, and I think this will work for me…

    One thing I’d like is a page like a mosaic…maybe something where I can show a months worth of thumbnails and you click on one and there’s a space to see it bigger, or perhaps even better the Lightbox technique…

    Wonder if there’s a way for me to add a page like that now…maybe hook it up to my flickr account?…

    Anyway, I’m really enjoying your work so far. Adjusting color backgrounds, text, etc. is easy as pie. I do have a bit of work gettin’ the ‘sidebar off’ to stick sometimes…will put itself on all by itself…

    I’m still working with it, setting it up, learning how it works,…I’ll post a link when I’m done…right now I’m using it as a one image a day, full width, with all the widgets on bottom…hmmm, I wonder, maybe I’ll try for the smaller images and posts in a line across, what, three or four posts, with smaller images?…

    ok, whatever, thanks again…


    1. Morris Avatar

      ok, I see the nickkrug site has what I’m wanting…can I set that up on Modularity Lite?…



  14. Morris Avatar

    Hi…I just downloaded Modularity Lite, the free theme, and I think this will work for me…

    One thing I’d like is a page like a mosaic…maybe something where I can show a months worth of thumbnails and you click on one and there’s a space to see it bigger, or perhaps even better the Lightbox technique…

    Wonder if there’s a way for me to add a page like that now…maybe hook it up to my flickr account?…

    Anyway, I’m really enjoying your work so far. Adjusting color backgrounds, text, etc. is easy as pie. I do have a bit of work gettin’ the ‘sidebar off’ to stick sometimes…will put itself on all by itself…

    I’m still working with it, setting it up, learning how it works,…I’ll post a link when I’m done…right now I’m using it as a one image a day, full width, with all the widgets on bottom…hmmm, I wonder, maybe I’ll try for the smaller images and posts in a line across, what, three or four posts, with smaller images?…

    ok, whatever, thanks again…


    1. Morris Avatar

      ok, I see the nickkrug site has what I’m wanting…can I set that up on Modularity Lite?…



  15. Morris Avatar

    Tried Lightbox 2.8.2 with Modularity Lite and it freezes up the top panel of image transitions…I wonder what Nick Krug used…I’ll have to take a look at his source info…

  16. Morris Avatar

    Tried Lightbox 2.8.2 with Modularity Lite and it freezes up the top panel of image transitions…I wonder what Nick Krug used…I’ll have to take a look at his source info…

  17. andrea notari Avatar
    andrea notari

    I don’t understand the developing of the release (Modularity). The last Modularity is 1.4.3? It’s important to have a document with the release notes of changing for a friendly update. An history of changing with date. What do you think?

  18. andrea notari Avatar
    andrea notari

    I don’t understand the developing of the release (Modularity). The last Modularity is 1.4.3? It’s important to have a document with the release notes of changing for a friendly update. An history of changing with date. What do you think?

  19. andrea notari Avatar
    andrea notari

    Thad, the slider (Modularity) works only with a post and cat? Not with a single page? This option is very important for me.


    have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
    $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; ?>

    <li class=”post- slider-item”><a href=”” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to “>

    have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
    $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; ?>

    <span class=”slider-“>

    1. Thad Avatar

      It is nearly impossible to query multiple pages in one WordPress loop. Believe me, I’ve tried. Many times.

  20. andrea notari Avatar
    andrea notari

    Thad, the slider (Modularity) works only with a post and cat? Not with a single page? This option is very important for me.


    have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
    $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; ?>

    <li class=”post- slider-item”><a href=”” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to “>

    have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
    $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; ?>

    <span class=”slider-“>

    1. Thad Avatar

      It is nearly impossible to query multiple pages in one WordPress loop. Believe me, I’ve tried. Many times.

  21. Morris Avatar

    Just an update…switching from Lightbox2 to Shadowbox solved my problems…

  22. Morris Avatar

    Just an update…switching from Lightbox2 to Shadowbox solved my problems…

  23. Jesse Avatar

    Please make a theme that makes vertical images look nice. Your themes look nice but they rely too heavily on horizontal images. We are not all landscape photographers. Also, make it so that thumbnails on the main page can open in a lightbox instead of redirecting to a post. I want a gallery not a blog. Thanks

    1. Thad Avatar

      The themes can easily be changed to accommodate verticals. Just a few simple css changes and you will be good to go.

      1. Kyle Avatar

        Can you show us how to do this? I was holding off buying your themes specifically for this reason (plus auto-resize problems I’ve had in the past)…

  24. Jesse Avatar

    Please make a theme that makes vertical images look nice. Your themes look nice but they rely too heavily on horizontal images. We are not all landscape photographers. Also, make it so that thumbnails on the main page can open in a lightbox instead of redirecting to a post. I want a gallery not a blog. Thanks

    1. Thad Avatar

      The themes can easily be changed to accommodate verticals. Just a few simple css changes and you will be good to go.

      1. Kyle Avatar

        Can you show us how to do this? I was holding off buying your themes specifically for this reason (plus auto-resize problems I’ve had in the past)…

  25. Ian Avatar

    Please make sure to keep navigation obvious (option for top left or right nav maybe?) Although this will be a theme for showcasing images/video etc., I think it’s important to make sure the visitor can navigate the site with ease.

  26. Ian Avatar

    Please make sure to keep navigation obvious (option for top left or right nav maybe?) Although this will be a theme for showcasing images/video etc., I think it’s important to make sure the visitor can navigate the site with ease.

  27. Shavonne Avatar

    Hi Thad,

    I tried to login to the web site but it says my username and password are no longer in the database. I had a general question about how many personal web sites we can use the templates on if we bought the membership package.

    1. Thad Avatar

      I’ll look into this.

  28. Shavonne Avatar

    Hi Thad,

    I tried to login to the web site but it says my username and password are no longer in the database. I had a general question about how many personal web sites we can use the templates on if we bought the membership package.

    1. Thad Avatar

      I’ll look into this.

  29. nickalpin Avatar

    How about the possibility of easily incorporating a 3rd party gallery system like SlideShowPro, Simple Viewer, etc. This can of course be done using the Kimli Flash Embed (sp?) plugin, but depending on the gallery size it can throw the theme out of whack. I personally prefer a Flash gallery to the lightbox-style gallery.

    I also had to hack up the theme a bit to display particular photo categories (people, landscape, etc). It would be nice to be able to do this through the dashboard/control panel. This way changes would ‘stick’ after updating the theme.

    Looking forward to seeing it!

  30. nickalpin Avatar

    How about the possibility of easily incorporating a 3rd party gallery system like SlideShowPro, Simple Viewer, etc. This can of course be done using the Kimli Flash Embed (sp?) plugin, but depending on the gallery size it can throw the theme out of whack. I personally prefer a Flash gallery to the lightbox-style gallery.

    I also had to hack up the theme a bit to display particular photo categories (people, landscape, etc). It would be nice to be able to do this through the dashboard/control panel. This way changes would ‘stick’ after updating the theme.

    Looking forward to seeing it!

  31. ival Avatar

    should have a auto resize and can choose categories.

  32. ival Avatar

    should have a auto resize and can choose categories.

  33. Rishi Savera Avatar
    Rishi Savera

    My photographer client was really big on his thumbnails being of the same ratio, so a 950×425 image he ideally wants the thumb to be a proportionate 190×98.

    Photographers love ease of use and simple layouts in my experience. Let the photos do the talking, so GPP really hits that chord with your layouts.

  34. Rishi Savera Avatar
    Rishi Savera

    My photographer client was really big on his thumbnails being of the same ratio, so a 950×425 image he ideally wants the thumb to be a proportionate 190×98.

    Photographers love ease of use and simple layouts in my experience. Let the photos do the talking, so GPP really hits that chord with your layouts.

  35. Todd Schroeder Avatar
    Todd Schroeder

    I would like to see .png support for image files place of always requiring jpegs.

  36. Todd Schroeder Avatar
    Todd Schroeder

    I would like to see .png support for image files place of always requiring jpegs.

  37. Deb Avatar

    I just stumbled upon you and have some questions.

    1. How much can your themes be modified and are there any restrictions say for credits, etc.?

    2. Would I be able to use a different jquery lightbox (need lots of caption space)? And, adjust the size of thumbnails?

    3. And, places where “posts” are defined in the a given theme… would I be able to change those sections into links to other galleries?

    4. What about multiple domains? Say, two photographers on a shared domain for the home page; then one each on a subdomain?

    Thank you!

  38. Deb Avatar

    I just stumbled upon you and have some questions.

    1. How much can your themes be modified and are there any restrictions say for credits, etc.?

    2. Would I be able to use a different jquery lightbox (need lots of caption space)? And, adjust the size of thumbnails?

    3. And, places where “posts” are defined in the a given theme… would I be able to change those sections into links to other galleries?

    4. What about multiple domains? Say, two photographers on a shared domain for the home page; then one each on a subdomain?

    Thank you!

  39. Mackie Images Avatar

    How about the option of a three column layout, instead of just two?

  40. Mackie Images Avatar

    How about the option of a three column layout, instead of just two?

  41. 1234成人 Avatar

    虽然我看不懂你写的是什么意思,但是我要说的是:very thinks!

  42. 1234成人 Avatar

    虽然我看不懂你写的是什么意思,但是我要说的是:very thinks!

  43. Russell Avatar

    the f8 remixed theme download link is not working (produces error page).

    I signed up and paid to get this theme. Please advise.

  44. Russell Avatar

    the f8 remixed theme download link is not working (produces error page).

    I signed up and paid to get this theme. Please advise.

  45. Aura M Avatar
    Aura M

    I was under the impression that gridline lite was a free theme I could access with my free account. The message I get is “Access to this membership area is not allowed”. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Thad Avatar

      The free member download area choked yesterday for a bit. Things are back and running as normal now.

  46. Aura M Avatar
    Aura M

    I was under the impression that gridline lite was a free theme I could access with my free account. The message I get is “Access to this membership area is not allowed”. Am I doing something wrong?

    1. Thad Avatar

      The free member download area choked yesterday for a bit. Things are back and running as normal now.

  47. susanne davis Avatar
    susanne davis

    Is there a way to show full posts including the photo’s instead of just the excerpt? I’m using Modularity Lite 1.1

  48. susanne davis Avatar
    susanne davis

    Is there a way to show full posts including the photo’s instead of just the excerpt? I’m using Modularity Lite 1.1

  49. Georges-Eammnuel ARNAUD Avatar
    Georges-Eammnuel ARNAUD

    I got a “Broken Theme”
    Modslider Template is missing.
    dont know what to do…
    can you give me some help ?
    ” many thanx for your work”

    Georges-emmanuel from paris

    1. Neo Motion Avatar
      Neo Motion

      Same problem here. Admin shows the Modslider template as missing. I am using Modularity Lite 1.1 and Modslider.

      Any suggestions?

      1. Thad Avatar

        Modslider is a child theme for Modularity, not Modularity Lite.

  50. Georges-Eammnuel ARNAUD Avatar
    Georges-Eammnuel ARNAUD

    I got a “Broken Theme”
    Modslider Template is missing.
    dont know what to do…
    can you give me some help ?
    ” many thanx for your work”

    Georges-emmanuel from paris

    1. Neo Motion Avatar
      Neo Motion

      Same problem here. Admin shows the Modslider template as missing. I am using Modularity Lite 1.1 and Modslider.

      Any suggestions?

      1. Thad Avatar

        Modslider is a child theme for Modularity, not Modularity Lite.

  51. rhys jones Avatar
    rhys jones

    how the April deadline looking? Would be nice to see some work in progess so we can leave some comments!

  52. rhys jones Avatar
    rhys jones

    how the April deadline looking? Would be nice to see some work in progess so we can leave some comments!

  53. Paul Avatar

    Any word on a release date yet? The Woo Themes Aperture theme is getting close and I really want to see your new theme before I buy one or the other.

  54. Paul Avatar

    Any word on a release date yet? The Woo Themes Aperture theme is getting close and I really want to see your new theme before I buy one or the other.

  55. Homeboy Avatar

    i’m having a hard time with this theme. I can’t get the slideshow at the top to work its just showing one static image and part of the 2nd one. Also i’m trying to get my posts to have a thumbnail and a summary showing for all of them but i cant figure out where to put the thumbnail and why one some of them are showing summaries. Somehow i got a thumbnail in one of my posts but I cant seem to see where. can someone please check out my site and help


  56. Homeboy Avatar

    i’m having a hard time with this theme. I can’t get the slideshow at the top to work its just showing one static image and part of the 2nd one. Also i’m trying to get my posts to have a thumbnail and a summary showing for all of them but i cant figure out where to put the thumbnail and why one some of them are showing summaries. Somehow i got a thumbnail in one of my posts but I cant seem to see where. can someone please check out my site and help


  57. Thomas Meredith Avatar
    Thomas Meredith

    the way the demo displays the photo, like in the 6th Post, is that the default way it shows the photos, because mine just sit there, static – when you click on the thumbnail is does not open up into the large flash like viewer…

    is this a special plug-in — if so which one!!??

  58. Thomas Meredith Avatar
    Thomas Meredith

    the way the demo displays the photo, like in the 6th Post, is that the default way it shows the photos, because mine just sit there, static – when you click on the thumbnail is does not open up into the large flash like viewer…

    is this a special plug-in — if so which one!!??

  59. Thomas Meredith Avatar
    Thomas Meredith

    sorry, I forgot to specify – I was talking about the Modularity Lite theme and its demo and the way it displays photos in post 6.


  60. Thomas Meredith Avatar
    Thomas Meredith

    sorry, I forgot to specify – I was talking about the Modularity Lite theme and its demo and the way it displays photos in post 6.


  61. Salt Lake Wedding Photography Avatar

    It would be cool if they had a soft cross fade between slideshow images and synchronized music.

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      Sounds like a job for Flash.

  62. Salt Lake Wedding Photography Avatar

    It would be cool if they had a soft cross fade between slideshow images and synchronized music.

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      Sounds like a job for Flash.

  63. kenan hudabi Avatar

    how the April deadline looking? Would be nice to see some work in progess so we can leave some comments!

  64. kenan hudabi Avatar

    how the April deadline looking? Would be nice to see some work in progess so we can leave some comments!

  65. yahoo alpha Avatar

    How about the option of a three column layout, instead of just two?

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      In the works!

  66. yahoo alpha Avatar

    How about the option of a three column layout, instead of just two?

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      In the works!

  67. andy wood Avatar

    A three column layout would be super cool.

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      Than please stay tuned. Something is in the works.

  68. andy wood Avatar

    A three column layout would be super cool.

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      Than please stay tuned. Something is in the works.

  69. Anthony Bellemare Avatar
    Anthony Bellemare

    Smaller Sidebar / Larger Post Area

    For a photographer it’s all about the images. And more and more photo blogs are going big. I recently became a member and purchased Modularity. As I build my new blog and become more familiar with Modularity, there is one feature I wish I could just adjust easily without screwing up the rest of the design. I would like to be able to adjust the width of the sidebar from the admin panel in order to make a larger post area. (please forgive for my ignorance if this is already possible or if there is a post telling me how to do this manually) I understand that I can turn it off for a full 950px post area, but I would like to keep the sidebar in my post area for navigation and link purposes.

    A good example of the what I am looking for is here – http://www.burnmagazine.org/

  70. Anthony Bellemare Avatar
    Anthony Bellemare

    Smaller Sidebar / Larger Post Area

    For a photographer it’s all about the images. And more and more photo blogs are going big. I recently became a member and purchased Modularity. As I build my new blog and become more familiar with Modularity, there is one feature I wish I could just adjust easily without screwing up the rest of the design. I would like to be able to adjust the width of the sidebar from the admin panel in order to make a larger post area. (please forgive for my ignorance if this is already possible or if there is a post telling me how to do this manually) I understand that I can turn it off for a full 950px post area, but I would like to keep the sidebar in my post area for navigation and link purposes.

    A good example of the what I am looking for is here – http://www.burnmagazine.org/

  71. kwwphoto Avatar

    Really looking forward to this theme! I’ve been searching around elsewhere and most other WP photo themes are not too great.

    Any word on the release date for this?

  72. kwwphoto Avatar

    Really looking forward to this theme! I’ve been searching around elsewhere and most other WP photo themes are not too great.

    Any word on the release date for this?

  73. Brian McDonnell Avatar
    Brian McDonnell

    Is this still in the works? Seems things came to a halt….

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      Things haven’t stalled. This theme is just a little complicated to develop. Here is a SNEAK PEAK:


  74. Brian McDonnell Avatar
    Brian McDonnell

    Is this still in the works? Seems things came to a halt….

    1. Eric Lian Avatar
      Eric Lian

      Things haven’t stalled. This theme is just a little complicated to develop. Here is a SNEAK PEAK:


  75. Pet Snakes Avatar

    It’s great to see some unique content and a good quality blog for once, actually I would be very interested in doing a link exchange with you.

  76. Pet Snakes Avatar

    It’s great to see some unique content and a good quality blog for once, actually I would be very interested in doing a link exchange with you.

  77. tinnyhouse Avatar

    the demo looks amazing! nice work. any word on completion dates, etc?

    waiting anxiously to start using it…

  78. tinnyhouse Avatar

    the demo looks amazing! nice work. any word on completion dates, etc?

    waiting anxiously to start using it…

  79. victor sila Avatar
    victor sila

    Have same question as susanne: Is there a way to show full posts including the photo’s instead of just the excerpt? I’m using Modularity Lite 1.1

  80. victor sila Avatar
    victor sila

    Have same question as susanne: Is there a way to show full posts including the photo’s instead of just the excerpt? I’m using Modularity Lite 1.1

  81. Jeroen Ent Avatar
    Jeroen Ent

    that demo looks promising! keep it up guys

  82. Jeroen Ent Avatar
    Jeroen Ent

    that demo looks promising! keep it up guys

  83. dxbluey Avatar

    The demo looks excellent – really hope you get this live soon.


  84. dxbluey Avatar

    The demo looks excellent – really hope you get this live soon.


  85. Aldo Avatar

    Hi everybody, i’m working on my website using the modularity lite theme, but i’m stuck on two problems….FIRST : how do i change the color of the text that i write in the posts i pubblish ? in which line of the code in style.css i have to change values??
    SECOND: i need a plug in photo gallery to add to the theme..lightboxe is not working…any suggestion? Please help me….thanks and take care… A.

    1. Shane Avatar

      latest update of lightbox breaks it under wp 2.8 im also waiting for a fix. A work around is to uninstall the lightbox plugin and use an older version

  86. Aldo Avatar

    Hi everybody, i’m working on my website using the modularity lite theme, but i’m stuck on two problems….FIRST : how do i change the color of the text that i write in the posts i pubblish ? in which line of the code in style.css i have to change values??
    SECOND: i need a plug in photo gallery to add to the theme..lightboxe is not working…any suggestion? Please help me….thanks and take care… A.

    1. Shane Avatar

      latest update of lightbox breaks it under wp 2.8 im also waiting for a fix. A work around is to uninstall the lightbox plugin and use an older version

  87. Vali Avatar

    How about the possibility of easily incorporating a 3rd party gallery system like SlideShowPro, Simple Viewer, etc. This can of course be done using the Kimli Flash Embed (sp?) plugin, but depending on the gallery size it can throw the theme out of whack. I personally prefer a Flash gallery to the lightbox-style gallery.

    I also had to hack up the theme a bit to display particular photo categories (people, landscape, etc). It would be nice to be able to do this through the dashboard/control panel. This way changes would ’stick’ after updating the theme.

  88. Vali Avatar

    How about the possibility of easily incorporating a 3rd party gallery system like SlideShowPro, Simple Viewer, etc. This can of course be done using the Kimli Flash Embed (sp?) plugin, but depending on the gallery size it can throw the theme out of whack. I personally prefer a Flash gallery to the lightbox-style gallery.

    I also had to hack up the theme a bit to display particular photo categories (people, landscape, etc). It would be nice to be able to do this through the dashboard/control panel. This way changes would ’stick’ after updating the theme.

  89. Afner Hernandez Avatar

    Hello, has anybody found the way to make Modslider work? I have already the requirements to make it owrk but it does not.

    I want to upgrade my website with it…

    Please your replies! thanks fellows!

  90. Afner Hernandez Avatar

    Hello, has anybody found the way to make Modslider work? I have already the requirements to make it owrk but it does not.

    I want to upgrade my website with it…

    Please your replies! thanks fellows!

  91. Dmitri Markine Avatar

    Clean and Clear. I think it is pretty nice theme design for photo site.
    Thanks for sharing, man.

  92. Dmitri Markine Avatar

    Clean and Clear. I think it is pretty nice theme design for photo site.
    Thanks for sharing, man.

  93. Brenda Avatar

    Hi there,

    Could you please tell me how to amend the ‘Credits’ bit. I want to include the name of my photographer, hyperlink her site. How would I go about doing that?



  94. Webdesign Avatar

    Trying to reposition the Post Slider.

    It sits perfectly on Chrome & Firefox but not on IE ( Sits too far up). So need to add code to the IE & IE7 css files that will place a top margin for the Post Slider for these browsers but not affect chrome & firefox. Just need to know where the code is, I am confident in its application.

  95. Everystring Avatar

    2 questions for modslider theme:

    1. how do i put photoshelter archive search box into modslider header, to the left of ‘rss subscribe’ link? i have the search box code from photoshelter, but don’t know how to align it to sit where i want…

    2. how do i put thumbnail slider below the slideshow on the main page?

    love the theme! please help!
    million thanks!

  96. Mehreen Ali Syed Avatar

    nice themes collection, i m using one theme on my site http://www.dailynewscompany.com its great i suggest you to this theme.

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