Installing Plugins


Plugins add extra functionality to your site. The WordPress Plugin Directory is the best resource for finding plugins, as well as reviews, installation instructions, instructions, and support.

To install a plugin on your site:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to Plugins > Installed Plugins. This page displays a list of the plugins installed on your site, and details which are active.
  2. If the plugin you want to install is already on your site, but has not been activated, you can activate it from here.
  3. If the plugin has not been installed, at the top of this page, click the Add New button.
  4. Clicking on the Search link will allow you to search the WordPress Plugin Directory.
  5. Once you have found your desired plugin, you can preview the details, reviews and installation instructions for the plugin, by clicking the Details link.
  6. You can then activate the plugin by clicking the Activate link.
  7. If your desired plugin is not in the directory, you can upload the plugin’s zip file by clicking the Upload link.
  8. After you have installed your new plugin, you will see it in your list of Installed Plugins.

Install Plugins