
  • How to Set a Featured Image

    Featured images are an integral part of many themes. Often they can help determine a thumbnail for a featured post, or they can help represent posts that contain embedded video, but no other associated images. Now in the backend of WordPress, in the post editor, there’s an option in the bottom right to set a…

  • How to Password Protect Posts & Pages

    Since a large number of photographers use our themes, we get a lot of questions from people on how to password-protect galleries. This is actually a really simple tool that’s built into WordPress. From the post editor in the backend of WordPress, there’s a setting called “Visibility” and you have three options, either Public, Password…

  • Change Backgrounds, Colors, Fonts on Specific Pages

    Open up any WordPress theme and inside the header.php file you will likely see this: <body <?php body_class(); ?>> The body_class() function is a neat little function that spits out CSS classes that make it easy to change the background color of your About page, for example.  It’s easy to find the specific CSS class…

  • Add another WordPress Menu

    Open up your theme folder and locate the functions.php file.  Search for a function called register_nav_menu (used in TwentyEleven theme) or register_gpp_menus (used in most GPP themes).  It looks like this in many of our themes: function register_gpp_menus() { register_nav_menus( array( ‘main-menu’ => __( ‘Main Menu’ ) ) ); } We are going to add another item…

  • Improve Image Quality and Color in WordPress

    Ever notice how WordPress smushes your JPG images down to 60% quality after your upload them? Add the snippet below to your theme’s functions.php or alternatively, download this plugin to improve the quality of your JPG images to 100%.